JOERGER MEDIA Filmproduktion


Finishing with Competence

JOERGER MEDIA offers post-production work on films across a broad spectrum. The editing and digital post-processing are important steps that can define the quality and impact of film and sound. The key element in a good post-production is the skilled editing that gives the story being told its emotional, visual and psychological impact. The title, graphics and special effects support the visual images with creative typography and graphic design. Poor sound quality can distract and mean the audience may lose interest within in seconds.

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Combining film scenes with appropriate music can prompt emotional engagement with the story. Within a few seconds of watching an image, the viewer will have decided whether they like what they have seen or not. The colour palate can lift the emotional heft of an impressive film. Perfect Colorgrading allows this element to be manipulated to enhance this effect and even-out the colour definition so that it is consistent across the whole film. It can also be used to give a creative effect in terms of the overall Look to the film.

All these elements are part of the services JOERGER MEDIA can provide to agencies, broadcasters and film makers.
More examples on YouTube.

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